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Bank Holiday to Mark His Majesty King Charles III Coronation

The government has announced a national bank holiday on Monday 8th May 2023 in all parts of the UK to mark His Majesty King Charles III Coronation.

The bank holiday is scheduled to take place two days after the coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey to avoid a clash with local elections. It is in addition to the bank holiday already scheduled for Monday 1st May 2023.

Whilst this may be welcome news for employees who look forward to some additional time off, it may not be viewed so optimistically by employers who may have concerns over how to manage this extra date.

Traditionally there are eight bank holidays per year in England and Wales, Scotland has nine and Northern Ireland has ten.

As with previous additional bank holidays which took place earlier this year for the late Queen Elizabeth II, employers are advised to consider the wording in their contracts of employment, and where unsure seek further HR advice.

For example:

  • Contracts which say employees have a right to 20 days’ annual leave plus time off on 8 public/bank holidays (in England) with the bank holidays specifically listed, will not have an automatic right to time off unless there is additional flexibility in the wording.

  • Contracts which state 20 days’ annual leave plus 8 public/bank holidays without specifically listing the bank holidays allow the employer to move leave around, such as asking staff to work on this particular bank holiday whilst granting them time off on another public/bank holiday.

  • Where employees have a contractual right to all public/bank holidays they will be entitled to this additional day off.

  • Contracts which state 28 days’ annual leave including all public/bank holidays will have a right to take the day off, however employees should be made aware that it will be deducted from their 28 days’ annual leave resulting in them having fewer days in which to book their own leave.

There is no restriction however on employers choosing to grant additional paid time off for this public holiday as a goodwill gesture or perhaps allowing their staff to book the day off in the usual way.

Equally employers are not obliged to pay their workers extra pay due to their working day falling on a bank holiday or to provide time off in lieu. However, employers should be aware of custom practices set on previous bank holidays and be mindful of ensuring part time employees are not overlooked in any gestures of goodwill.

Once again employers are advised to check their existing contracts of employment, and where unsure seek further HR advice.

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